Partnership with parents is key

Parents are the ‘expert’ in their child/young person, and are a valuable part of our MIAG team, working with their child/young person.

parents as partners
  • Young people will do better and achieve more when their parents are involved
  • It is easier for young people to learn when they get encouragement from home
  • Their concerns can be sorted out more quickly when their parents have a positive relationship with staff
  • Young people are offered experiences based on a holistic view of them as individuals
  • They are happy when their parents enjoy being involved in the setting
  • They get consistent messages from all their important carers
  • Parents are fully involved in their young person’s education
  • Young People feel supported by their parents who are a key part of ‘their team’
  • Parents can ensure effective communication with the provision – this is a two way process, but parents are the ‘experts’ in their young person, often holding key information
  • Parents can support their young person at times of decision-making
  • Increases parents’ self-efficacy, confidence and resilience
  • Helps to promote social inclusion and maintenance of children’s culture and languages
  • Communication is key, it is important that our learners know that we communicate regularly with parents – we are one team around the young person
  • Consistency of messages between provision and home
  • To create a shared level of expectation and understanding
  • Helps staff to understand the young person’s experiences outside of the setting (contextual safeguarding)
  • To improve individual learner outcomes and ensure that their needs are understood
  • To ensure that the learners’ future pathways are agreed in a timely manner taking account of all views to ensure a smooth transition

It is important that we all remember that “We are better together!”

parents as partners

Our Successes…

“Thank you for the regular updates on our pupils, this really is appreciated and gives us assurance that our learners are attending and engaging”

School SENCO

“Spent an enjoyable morning delivering autism training to the wonderful team at MIAG in Bristol, thanks for inviting me. Lisa, thanks for making sure I could find the venue easil”

ASD Expert Professional

“Our learners are doing really well at MIAG, we get regular updates on progress and can really see that this type of learning environment is the right one for some of our students”

Head of Inclusion

I don’t want to go to another provider, MIAG get me

Current learner, academic year 24/25

MIAG is making a difference to young people’s lives, it is clear to see

SEND Consultant

What a fantastic provision, we wish we had known about MIAG before

Family of a potential learner