We teach skills, knowledge, concepts and values through the core subjects of English, Maths and PSHE
Alternative Education Provision in the Southwest
We teach skills, knowledge, concepts and values through the core subjects of English, Maths and PSHE. Pupils are assigned a pathway that is aligned with their academic ability and needs as a learner.
They are offered a bespoke package that enables them to make progress and acquire appropriate qualifications ranging from Entry Level 3 to Level 2, including functional skills and GCSEs.
We at MIAG will hope to educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to help them prepare to become a grounded and responsible member of society whatever their needs.
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The NOCN Entry Level Award in Skills for Employment, Training and Personal Development (Entry 3) is designed to provide an introduction to working in the following sectors: Animal Care, Business and Administration, Catering, Construction, Creative Skills, Hair and Beauty, Horticulture, Motor Vehicle and Cycle Maintenance and Sport and Leisure as well as more generic employability skills designed to build confidence for the workplace.
The qualifications also contain units to address learners’ needs in Personal Development, Vocational Support and Literacy and Numeracy.
Our primary curriculum covers literacy, numeracy, PSHE, art & DT and PE. These are often delivered in a creative and engaging way so that the children do not always realise they are learning.
Our aim is to re-ignite a love of learning and help the children to develop their capacity to learn effectively whether in a mainstream or specialist setting, where reasonable adjustments are been made to meet their needs.
MIAG’s focus at KS3 is to re-engage the pupils in their educational journey. We endeavour to develop a bespoke package which combines the academic subjects of maths and English with wider ‘vocational tasters’ and a broad enrichment programme.
In English we aim to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word. Our English sessions focus on helping students to: read fluently and with good understanding, acquire a wide vocabulary, understand grammar and linguistic conventions, write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
We also focus on developing their use discussion in order to learn: they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.
There are also vocational options, delivered through ASDAN, including hair and beauty and construction. Vocational Tasters offer learners a concrete introduction to a range of employment sectors and help them make progress towards their personal learning and career aims.
All students receive a daily PSHE session as well as regular career guidance and our broad enrichment curriculum helps students develop their confidence and self esteem.
We offer KS4 students the chance to boost their literacy and numeracy skills so that they can access Functional Skills qualifications (Entry Level 1 to Level 2) which are designed to equip them with the practical skills and knowledge required to learn, work and live successfully.
To gain the English Functional Skills qualification, learners must pass the following assessments: Reading, Writing and Speaking and listening. In Maths pupils will strengthen their knowledge of mathematical concepts without using a calculator. Learners will be assessed on a range of topics, including using numbers and the number system, using common measures, shapes and space, handling information and data, solving mathematical problems and decision making.
The NOCN online Functional Skills platform enables assessments to be taken online, on-demand, and at a time to suit the needs of all students.
We offer Functional Skills-NCFE-NOCN-ASDAN as well as a very rich and varied non-academic curriculum. We aim to help our students back into school or on to further education, work or training.
The NOCN Entry Level Award in Skills for Employment, Training and Personal Development (Entry 3) is designed to provide an introduction to working in the following sectors:
as well as more generic employability skills designed to build confidence for the workplace.
The qualifications also contain units to address learners’ needs in Personal Development, Vocational Support and Literacy and Numeracy.
We deliver a range of ASDAN and NOCN academic and vocational qualifications as well as a wider holistic curriculum and enrichment programme. Our bespoke approach to learning allows us to tailor programmes to individual pupil interests, which helps to maximise engagement and achievement.
Enrichment curriculum gives young people the opportunity to try new and varied activities that develop character, resilience and motivation, and encourage them to pursue wider goals.
MIAG have had over 30 students that’s come to MIAG for different reasons, and we have worked with Schools and Local authorities to put them in to mainstream or specialist provision in the last 3 years.
There have been many reasons for disengagement from Education and MIAG Staff have been very creative in how to engage with the students and to work with them to engage them back slowly into Education with a different outlook from the school environment.
Over the last 2 years we have had 8 Students moved onto Apprenticeships and work experience and MIAG will now be looking to expand this offer to year 11 students who do not want to do alternative route of College.