Offering education that fits the needs of all student & young people…

A holistic approach for ALL our learners…

Education that fits needs of all students

About Us

Our Vision

When students are on site we see calm, happy and confident young people who are participating positively and are engaged in their learning. They interact politely with staff and other students and build positive relationships. This means that they make good progress, both academically and socially.

We want the adults in their lives to say that since attending MIAG they are more settled and happier in life in general. They will have grown in maturity and are displaying more positive behaviours. They will have a new outlook on learning and it has given them a purpose so they are more confident and look forward to their time at the centre.

MIAG will have changed their life!

MIAG History –

MIAG (Mentoring, Information, Advice and Guidance) was set up in 2020 by Julian Alsop in response to the increasing demand for his mentoring and tutoring provision from the Bristol Council.

Julian began working in the education sector in 2017 when a Bristol based young person’s care home required education provision for a young student.

Within 4 months of working for a single care home, this then developed into working for 8 care homes in the Bristol and surrounding areas.

From 2020 Bristol Council was utilising using MIAG for Alternative Education Provision, and the dedicated team at MIAG focussed on mentoring, advice and guidance for young students with EHCP (Education Healthcare Plan) in Bristol and the surrounding areas.

Mission Statement

We at MIAG will hope to educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to help them prepare to become a grounded and responsible member of society whatever their needs.

Call our team to enquire – Call 0333 220 3429

or email and we will reply promptly

julian alsop

Julian Alsop Director

Debbie Sherring

Debbie Sherring Alternative Provision (AP) Manager

mike howard

Mike Howard Centre Manager

Sara Liebow

Sara Liebow Alternative Learning (AP) Co-ordinator

tor jones

Tor Jones DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead

Our Values

Julian found school and education challenging he wasn’t an academic student and found it hard to engage and focus on school. Experiences during Julians education now enables him to relate to students that struggle in school to verbalise their issues and problems and can help to identify what support maybe needed through many different approaches.

Julian and the team at MIAG are able to identify and differentiate his style of delivering learning to ensure all students can access a broad curriculum with a diverse enrichment programme.

Miag Alternative Education Provision

Supporting EHCP Process

We are able to support the EHCP (Education Healthcare Plan) process and also can support students via a preventative model to reduce a student becoming permanently excluded (PEX) from mainstream education.

Permanently Excluded Children (PEX)

If a student is a PEX, we are able to offer support and reintegrate the student back into mainstream school or specialist provision incorporating the ‘voice of the child’ at all times along with constant liaising with schools and or other professionals to ensure a joined-up approach is working to meet the needs for all students.

Our Successes…

“Thank you for the regular updates on our pupils, this really is appreciated and gives us assurance that our learners are attending and engaging”

School SENCO

“Spent an enjoyable morning delivering autism training to the wonderful team at MIAG in Bristol, thanks for inviting me. Lisa, thanks for making sure I could find the venue easil”

ASD Expert Professional

“Our learners are doing really well at MIAG, we get regular updates on progress and can really see that this type of learning environment is the right one for some of our students”

Head of Inclusion

I don’t want to go to another provider, MIAG get me

Current learner, academic year 24/25

MIAG is making a difference to young people’s lives, it is clear to see

SEND Consultant

What a fantastic provision, we wish we had known about MIAG before

Family of a potential learner

Get in touch to find out how we can help you

  • Re-engage all pupils in their education
  • Foster curiosity about the world and develop a passion for learning
  • Prepare pupils for their next steps
  • Support all pupils to make safe and healthy lifestyle choices