Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What age range does your provision cover?
Our Forest School provision can take children from the age of 4 – 11; whilst our Alternative Provision sites cater for young people aged 11 – 18
How long could my child/young person access provision at MIAG Education?
Alternative Provision is seen as a short-term solution and could be used whilst longer-term educational provision is secured. Some of our placements are short-term (6-8 weeks), others longer. It really is dependent on a range of individual factors.
Does my child/young person need to have an Education, Health, Care Plan (EHCP)?
No, we are able to offer provisions for children and young people who are disaffected with the ‘mainstream’ education system. There may be a range of factors that could include attendance; exclusion; unmet need. However, referrals for children and young people without an EHCP will require discussions with your child/young persons’ school.
What will my child/young person learn?
Here at MIAG Education, we recognise that each of our learners is individual and will have had different educational experiences that have brought them to us. We will assess your child/young person upon admission and will work with them to co-produce a bespoke curriculum that provides them with functional English and Maths but also considers their interests and aspirations. Our goal is to equip our learners with the skills to be successful and independent in their adult lives.
What if my child/young person does not like their curriculum offer?
This can sometimes happen, if this should be the case the sooner that our staff team know about it then the curriculum offer can be discussed. English, Maths, and Independence skills must form a part of the curriculum but the delivery of this can be differentiated to ensure that we maximise the young person’s interests.